March 04, 2004

Cows in a Frame

My Dad has a scanner and he's out today, so I thought I'd scan in some old photos of mine. One day I may even make a photo library. There is no Photoshop on this machine, but there is a thing called 'Jasc Paint Shop Pro', which comes with this Dell on a 30 day trial. It has a nifty little device for getting scratches off photos, and the photo I had was very scratched, so that was nice and easy. However, the 'piece de resistance', as they say, was the wonderful selection of frames available to add at the touch of a button.
So, without further ado, I bring to you, the wonderful 'Cows in a Frame'....

View Wonderful Cows Image

Posted by paul at March 4, 2004 03:59 PM


How now, round frame cow!

Posted by: Kev at March 4, 2004 05:02 PM

Wonderful! it really made me laugh. Maybe I'll put a copy over my desk...

Posted by: Tom's mum Jane at March 11, 2004 01:42 PM